Driving at a super fast speed might be a thrill, but it can actually be very dangerous for both you and your vehicle for a number of different reasons. This guide aims to explain exactly why you should be aiming to drive more slowly; so if you’d like to learn more, then simply read on.
Slow Driving Gives You A Longer Reaction Time
If you are driving particularly fast, then you will be providing yourself with the smallest possible reaction time if a tricky situation was to happen. For example, if a pedestrian were to walk out in front of your car, you might have all but a couple of seconds to react and try to avoid them. This means you’re unlikely to be able to remove yourself from a dangerous scenario in time, increasing the risk of injury or even fatalities as a result of your speedy driving.
Instead, when you choose to drive more slowly you will have much more time to react, allowing you sufficient space to stop your vehicle well before you reach whatever hazard may be in your way. The longer your reaction time the safer you are likely to be while out on the road.
Slow Driving Protects Your Car’s Inner Workings
A car is a complex machine that has many different working parts that all need to be in the best possible condition in order to thrive. Driving at a super fast speed is certainly going to do real damage to the inner workings of your car, especially in places like your gearbox. When you drive fast you’re much more likely to rest your hand on your gear stick, but this can actually cause serious problems for your gearbox and several other aspects of your car.
The gear stick is connected to a selector fork, which is designed to make contact with a rotating collar for a short amount of time, so when you rest your hand there you risk applying pressure to the selector fork which in run will cause premature wear. Slow driving can help to prevent wear and tear in all of its forms, allowing you to maintain a healthy gearbox and a great set of tyres for the foreseeable future.
Slow Driving Is More Affordable
Last but by no means least, slow driving is more affordable! It’s going to cost you much less in terms of petrol or diesel to drive your vehicle when you stick to the speed limit, as you won’t be guzzling through gallon after gallon trying to achieve the highest speeds. Slow driving also reduces your risk of a crash or collision, which means your insurance is likely to be cheaper when you drive sensibly due to the unlikelihood of you experiencing trouble on the road.
It’s clear to see why driving slowly can be better for both you and your vehicle! If you are having problems with your manual or automatic gearbox, for whatever reason, get in touch with the expert team at Gearbox Specialists today so that we can help you find the most effective solution.