Whether you’re making the switch from an automatic vehicle, or manual cars are all you've ever known, getting to grips with the clutch and gearbox can turn an amateur driver into an expert in no time. Among the benefits, manual cars tend to be more economical than automatics, and are usually cheaper to buy. An automatic gearbox will change gears without any input, whereas a manual gearbox means that you choose which gear to be in, giving you complete control.
Read on to discover 4 effective tips for new manual car drivers.
Become A Clutch Control Expert
Every manual car has a biting point, the level at which you raise your clutch before the gears engage. Each car has a different point where it ‘bites’, so you should spend time learning where this is in your car. By knowing your car's biting point well, smoothly shifting into second gear should become second nature in no time. Having trouble with your clutch? We’ll always have a vehicle mechanic available at The Gearbox Specialists, and we offer clutch repairs and replacements at affordable prices.
Shake Off Your Bad Habits
It can be all too easy to slip into bad habits after passing your driving test, and we’re all guilty of getting into routines. However, did you know that some of your driving habits could be damaging to your manual vehicle? As obvious as it may be, always remember to press on the clutch pedal when shifting gears, whether you’re shifting up the gears or down them, and don’t shift gears without pressing in the clutch pedal first - this can seriously damage clutch components. A lot of poor driving habits can wear out the clutch and transmission parts over time, so be aware of this when driving.
Shift Gears When Required
Going the distance in a lower gear than required will waste petrol and overwork the engine of your car, so always be careful to shift gears when required. With time, you should be able to hear when your car needs to shift gears. Shifting between 2,500 and 3,000 rpm is usually good practice, although this varies with every vehicle, so be careful! The Gearbox Specialists offer quick and efficient manual gearbox repair services for all makes and models of vehicle, also supplying and fitting reconditioned units as a cheaper alternative to buying a brand new gearbox.
Maintain Your Vehicle
Not only is it important to maintain the safety of your vehicle to avoid the nasty shock of an unexpected repair bill, but with regular servicing and maintenance, you’re protecting the long term value of your manual car. It’s likely you’ll be spending a lot of time in your car, be it running errands or commuting to work every day, so top of the priority list should be paying regular visits to a vehicle mechanic, to maintain the safety of your brake & clutch.
If you are looking for a vehicle mechanic who can repair or rebuild your gearbox or clutch promptly
and professionally, contact our brake & clutch experts at The Clutch & Gearbox Specialists in Bournemouth today.