An age old debate amongst many motorists is on which type of transmission is safer to drive - manual or automatic? Well, from a true safety perspective, neither is conclusively safer than the other. Especially with modern technology and engineering, both types are reliable and safe to drive.
Manual Transmission
More control of the car:
One of the key advantages of a manual car is that you have more control over the transmission. This is particularly useful in situations when drivers may need to react quickly due to random, unforeseen circumstances. For example, if there is ice or flooding on the road, then drivers may choose to drive in a lower gear than standard to allow for better traction and control.
Requires more attention:
Others argue that since driving with a manual gearbox requires more focus and attention to drive the car, that drivers of manual vehicles subsequently will be more attentive and focused when driving in general, allowing them to be more aware of their surroundings and react to situations faster.

More to think about:
Whilst some believe that the more attention needed for a manual is a good thing for safety, others see this as actually making it less safe. This is because you need to take the hand off the steering wheel to change gears, are more likely to stall and are more likely to experience leg fatigue due to having to use the clutch so often.
Automatic Transmission
Can keep focus solely on road:
Alternative to the belief about manual cars being safer because they require more active driving, a counter argument is that automatic transmission is safer for the opposite reason. Driving an automatic allows drivers to keep both hands on the steering wheel and keep their attention on the road, rather than be distracted by changing gears.
Less stressful
Studies suggest that those who drive automatics generally experience less stress while driving than those who drive manual vehicles. As such, they are more likely to remain calm in situations that require them to react quickly on the road.
May encourage reduced attention:
Because there is less to remember when driving an automatic, some argue that this can result in people becoming less focused and alert than they should be. As such, they may be too lax whilst driving and more likely to drive carelessly.
Gearbox Repairs
Regardless of whether you drive a car with manual or automatic transmission, your safety will be compromised if your gearbox is in need of repairs. That’s where Gearbox Specialists come in, your local experts regarding all things gearboxes in Bournemouth.
We offer both manual and automatic gearbox repairs, ensuring that your car is back in working condition in no time.
Get in touch with us today to arrange for your car to be seen.